Sunday, January 23, 2011

Aggressor Live

I've photographed a lot of shows in my past and when I did I usually cranked up my ISO and shot almost wide open - by doing this it usually resulted in a lot of digital noise and an annoyingly shallow depth of field on my 5D Mk2. So having shot so many shows the same way I thought it'd be interesting to switch it up a little...

I've been doing a lot more controlled lighting shoots lately and decided I was going to take the same route with the next concert I shot. One of my biggest concerns about doing this is that a lot of bands don't enjoy strobes firing at them the whole time and I needed to have permission to actually set up flashes on the stage - which could also be annoying to the band.

Luckily I've got a few friends in a metal band called, Aggressor, their all really chill dudes so they had no problem with me setting up flashes to photograph them live.

You can check out their music here...

So... I set up two flashes behind their amps - one stage left and one stage right. I also had a flash on camera.

Here are some of the images...






The biggest flaw in my setup was that I was using the flashes optical slaves to fire them. This resulted in not only my on camera flash firing them but also every other persons camera flash. Both of my flashes on stage died half way through the set and I also made every other persons photos look awesome - you're welcome guys! Next time I use wizards.

Thanks again guys!
- Dylan

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