I recently decided that I want to start selling more prints of my work. When photos are printed they're a lot better quality and I feel it gives the images more value. Photography is art and I want to start treating my photos more like fine art.
So! Here are the prices I will be selling my prints for:
8x10 - 25.00
8x12 - 25.00
12x18 - 40.00
16x20 - 80.00
24x36 - 150.00
Framed Prints:
8x10 - 60
8x10 - 65
12x18 - 80
16x20 - 130
*ask about bigger sizes.
The frames will be black with a white matte. If you prefer something else we can definitely work something out.
If you're interested e-mail me at contact@dylanleeder.com. Free delivery if you're in Toronto, Brockville, Ottawa or anywhere in between. Anywhere else there will be additional shipping charges. You can pay through paypal or e-mail money transfers.
You can choose from almost any photo of mine. Here are a few of the photos that turned out beautifully printed:
Anything from THIS blog post.
Anything from the Gold Medal win HERE.
Here are a few photos of prints I have around my place.
Again, you can get a print of almost any image I've taken. If you've ever really liked a photo of mine consider it - they really add to a room and it's A LOT better than viewing them on a computer monitor.
I'm also still selling my Newfoundland book. 100$ for the book. More details on my Newfoundland blog post HERE.
Thanks so much!
- Dylan!